Signs of Arthritis in Pets

Just like humans, as pets age, they may face a higher risk of issues like arthritis, impacting their overall well-being. Mobility restrictions and other challenges can arise. The good news is that by working with a vet, you can monitor and mitigate arthritis. If you're looking for a veterinarian in San Diego, CA, consider scheduling an appointment at Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital.

Common Signs of Pet Arthritis Every Owner Should Watch For

As your pet ages and grays around the muzzle, they become more susceptible to arthritis. It's essential to closely observe older pets for signs of arthritis, and if identified, promptly consult a veterinarian. A vet can assist in creating a treatment and mitigation plan for pet arthritis.

The most prevalent signs of arthritis in pets revolve around mobility issues, which can manifest in various forms. Watch for signs such as limping, slower movements, avoidance of stairs, and a general tendency to take it easy. While mobility problems might signal other issues like injuries, severe arthritis often leads to noticeable challenges in movement.

Additional Considerations

Close observation, especially as pets age, is crucial. Movement difficulties may include struggling to get up or down, with pets finding it challenging to rise from their beds or jump onto favored spots like chairs or windowsills. Overall, pets with arthritis may exhibit stiffness and lethargy.

Pain can lead to irritability in pets, accompanied by constant fatigue. Behavioral changes, like avoiding walks or playtime, may also indicate arthritis. A veterinarian can guide you through a tailored treatment plan for pet arthritis, which may include lifestyle adjustments and nutritional changes.

Contact Our Team at Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you? If you're looking for a veterinarian in San Diego, CA, don't hesitate to visit Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital. Our experienced team is here to support you and your pet’s well-being.


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Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital

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