Parasite Prevention - Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital - San Diego, CA

Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital

10799 Tierrasanta Blvd
San Diego, CA 92124



Parasite Prevention


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Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital Offers Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm disease is an animal health problem that is caused by microscopic worms that are transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. The disease can make pets very sick if not properly treated. Fortunately, preventative medications are available to prevent heartworm disease in pets. At Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital in San Diego, CA, we offer testing and preventative medications to protect against heartworm disease. Click the below images to view preventatives on our online store!

Protection for Dogs!

Interceptor Plus

Protection for Cats!

Centragard For Cats

Understanding Heartworm Disease

Heartworms are parasitic worms that can live in the bloodstream of animals. A mosquito bites an infected animal and then transmits the worm to the next animal that is bitten. These microscopic worms travel through the animal’s bloodstream to the heart and lungs, where it begins to grow and reproduce, filling the animal’s organs. Gradually, the animal’s heart and lungs are unable to function normally, and the animal sickens and may even die.


Symptoms of Heartworm Disease

In the early stages of heartworm disease, the animal may show no symptoms. However, as time passes, your pet may develop a persistent cough, may lose weight and be reluctant to engage in normal exercise. Trouble breathing and fatigue after mild activity can occur. In the final states, a great number of worms can block blood flow through the heart. If your pet is diagnosed with heartworm disease, the veterinarian will administer medications to eliminate the worms, antibiotics and enforced rest to help the animal to recover. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the worms.


Heartworm Prevention Options

Veterinarians recommend taking heartworm medication throughout the year. These medications are available in an oral form that is administered once each month, or in an injectable form that offers protection for six months. These drugs are highly effective in preventing heartworms from getting a hold inside your pet's body. Before providing the medication the vet will do a blood test to determine if the animal is infected. If the test is positive, veterinary treatment will be needed to eliminate the heartworms. The preventative medications alone are not sufficient to completely eliminate heartworms if the animal already has them.


Make Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital Your Veterinarian in San Diego

Dr. Schexneider and the team at Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital are dedicated to providing quality care for all their patients in San Diego, CA and nearby communities. Our animal hospital offers many services, including exams, vaccinations, diagnostics, surgery, dental care, boarding and daycare. Call Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital today at (858) 292-6116 to make an appointment to learn about the medications that can help protect your pet against heartworm disease.

If you’re searching for a veterinarian in San Diego who can help you with flea and tick prevention, our Tierrasanta vet can quickly examine your pet and advise you on the best types of treatments that can keep your pet flea and tick free. At Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital, flea and tick prevention is something that we deal with routinely, so we are experts at administering effective treatments. We also make sure that our pet parents are educated on the best ways to avoid flea and tick infestations in their homes as well as on their pets.



Why Flea & Tick Prevention is So Critical for Cats & Dogs

Preventing ticks is an essential part of keeping your pets healthy. Fleas and ticks are some of the most common complaints that pet owners have about taking care of their animals. The task of preventing or treating infected pets may be cumbersome and sometimes expensive but the well-being of your pets depends on keeping them safe from parasites. In addition to being extremely uncomfortable for pets, fleas and ticks can carry diseases that get passed on to your pets. Sometimes the diseases are passing infections, but in some cases, external or internal parasites may lead to serious health conditions, or even fatal diseases.


Different Types of Flea & Tick Prevention

There is a wide variety of flea and tick treatments on the market. On your own, it may be difficult to decide what’s best to use for your particular pet, but your vet can help you choose wisely. There are sprays, spot-on treatments and oral medications that your pet can take to help prevent or eliminate fleas and ticks. Many of the spray-type treatments can be purchased over-the-counter in any pet supply store. Oral medications or shots, however, can be given to your pet by the vet during an office visit. If your vet recommends ongoing treatment or medication, you may have to give it to your pet yourself at home on a specifically outlined schedule.


When Your Pet is Past the Point of Prevention

Sometimes, even with preventative measures in place, pets and households may experience a flea and tick infestation. When this happens, it’s important to get your pet thoroughly treated first. Consult with your vet to find a highly potent and fast-acting medication and then move on to treating your home. It will definitely take some diligence, as you will have to remove and launder -- in very hot water -- all of the rugs, bedding and fabrics that have been in the infested area. A combination of vacuuming and Fogger-type treatments will also need to be used together to ensure that not only the fleas and ticks are destroyed, but their developing eggs as well.


How a Veterinarian Can Help Prevent Fleas & Ticks

Our San Diego veterinarian is well equipped to handle flea and tick problems before or after they occur. In addition to administering medications to prevent parasites, we also provide vaccines for both dogs and cats. The various groups of vaccines are helpful in preventing the diseases that can occur as a result of your pet being bitten by a disease-carrying insect. Call (858) 292-6116 today!


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Parasites can create havoc in your pet. Not only can they cause sickness in your pet, but in some cases can become fatal. Heartworm, Lyme disease, and advanced intestinal parasites can become deadly if left untreated. Most of the common parasites are fully preventable with regular preventative medication. Below, let's take an in depth look at the many types of parasites, the way they are spread, and how your veterinarian can help.


What Types of Parasites Can My Pet Get?

By definition, a parasite is an organism that lives on another species and uses that species’ nutrients to live. In the case of pets, parasites are usually insects or worms. There are several different types of intestinal worms that are commonly found in cats and dogs. These can include hook worm, round worm, whip worm, and tapeworm. Heartworm, another common parasite, resides in the animal's heart. Insects, such as ticks and fleas, are other common parasites and stay on the pet's skin.


How Does My Pet Get Parasites?

Parasites are transmitted various ways depending on the type of parasite. Many intestinal parasites are transferred from animal to animal through infected stool. These parasites can also be transferred through contaminated soil through tiny parasitic eggs living in the soil. If your pet ingests the contaminated matter your pet may become infected. Heartworm is transmitted through mosquitos. A mosquito can bite an infected animal, sucking up heartworm larvae, and transmit them to the next animal through another mosquito bite. Fleas and ticks can infect your cat or dog through contact with the insect. These can be found in nature, in the home, or from other animals.


What Type of Preventative Medicines Are Available?

Luckily, preventative medicine is available for many of the common parasites. Most of the preventatives are available as a monthly dose administered to your pet. This can be a chewable tablet or a liquid medicine applied to the skin. Flea and tick medicated collars are also available.


How Can My Veterinarian Help?

Your veterinarian will be able to run some simple blood and fecal tests to first confirm that your pet does not have any parasites. If your pet tests positive, there are several treatment options available to eliminate the parasite from the body. Working together with your veterinarian, you will be able to pick the right preventative parasite medicine for your pet.

If you are looking for an animal hospital to learn more about parasite prevention, Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital may be the right choice for you. Our team of veterinarians is professional, knowledgeable, and passionate about helping animals. Our office is conveniently located at 10799 Tierrasanta Blvd, San Diego, California, 92124. We are always accepting new patients in CA so call us today at (858) 292-6116 to schedule an appointment.


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